Everything about Bangkok Christian International School’s Elementary School Department is in line with our school mission and vision. We are committed to shaping world citizens and leaders for the 21st Century, providing the highest quality teaching materials and strategies, and to creating an excellent educational experience for all students. Our curriculum is constantly being updated to reflect the best practices in education from around the world. However, we select the most appropriate methodologies for our unique student population. Research cites a number of areas that need to be stressed in the early grades. They assert that Listening must be taught since students do not automatically become good listeners just through school attendance. This can be accomplished through Read Aloud, through audio and visual materials, and through opportunities afforded in subject matter activities. Efforts are made to train the students in organization; time management; note taking; content area reading; test taking; retention; use of reference materials; and the gaining of information from maps, graphs, and diagrams. Developing Critical Thinking Skills is an area that receives a very high priority at BCIS. Curriculum materials have been chosen that emphasize higher level thinking skills. They go beyond the literal level of questioning and rote learning and challenge students to think about the “how” and “why” of what they are learning. Educational Technology and Cooperative Learning Strategies serve to maximize the learning of all students. Our teachers use many diverse instructional methods to challenge students to reach their potential as young members of our communities. The School Climate that we promote is cooperation through the process of learning and serving. We endeavor to encourage all students to work hard toward goals and to help one another in route to achieving those goals.
Assessment of student’s learning is an ongoing process. Our teachers use a variety of tools including observations, reading analysis, writing assignments, independent projects, timed tests, checklists, scoring rubrics, portfolios, etc. Student self-assessment and peer assessment is an integral part of this process. Standardized Tests such as Tera Nova and SRI testing are administered to measure students’ learning and to develop actions plans to improve student learning. We feel that students’ reflection on their efforts and achievements are a key component in developing responsibility and self-awareness. We recognize that at times some students will need extra educational support in order to succeed. Students who need extra language support spend at least a year in EFL intensive classes to build the necessary English proficiency to move on to the mainstream program.
Homework is an important part of student life at BCIS. Homework provides an opportunity for a student to reinforce concepts and practice skills, thus enriching their in-school program of studies. It also promotes self-discipline, organization, and effective study habits. In addition, it serves as a valuable means of communication between home and school about a child’s progress. Homework can provide parents with insights into their child’s development and learning experiences and invite their involvement in an appropriate way.
In the elementary school, we are responsible for ensuring a strong foundation by creating opportunities for students to respect, appreciate and understand their environment, cultures, and people around them. BCIS recognizes the importance of heightening our students’ cultural awareness, both to comprehend their place within the global community and their position within Thailand itself. The latter aspect is covered within a distinct Thai studies element of the curriculum where the students gain the opportunity to discover the uniqueness of Thai culture through learning the Thai language, customs and other aspects of socio-cultural relations. Chinese and Korean classes are taught to enhance the students’ cultural awareness. Our school is a community of learners working together to draw meaning from our environment. We value our students’ curiosity and interests. Our teachers have the responsibility to provide experiences that will develop the skills students will need to answer their own questions. We aim to raise the awareness of the responsibility they genuinely share with educators in our community. Multicultural Awareness is promoted by actively building appreciation for other cultures. Students are constantly challenged and rewarded by interacting with a diverse population of community members in our school. To put that into practice, BCIS celebrates Thanksgiving/International Food Fairs to showcase each culture through traditional costumes, food, dance, and song. Fun Fairs are held every year where parents are invited to sell goods and students create games to participate in raising money for the less fortunate. By building students awareness and appreciation we are instilling values and giving our students tools to succeed in the global community. Service Learning is a key part of school life at BCIS. We are committed to serving the needs of our students and the community. To learn humility, empathy, and caring we feel service to one’s community is essential. We try to create opportunities for our students to grow, learn and use the world, to improve academic skills, life skills and develop as young people. Environmental Awareness is instilled in the mind of our students through Community Service. We celebrate the school’s birthday by serving the community. Students clean up the street, teach and help the less fortunate children at the Rainbow House Orphanage, and serve the Thai schools by teaching English.
Extra-curricular activities are also promoted in BCIS. After school clubs are offered every semester where the students enhance their skills through playing instruments, singing, dancing, home economics, and playing sports. Our students also participate in TISAC (Thailand International School Activities Conference) where they showcase their talents in music, arts, and sports. Field trips are held every semester to provide hands-on, discovery learning experiences. BCIS strives to educate and support the whole child in order to best prepare them to succeed and impact the real world for the glory of God.