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The English as a Foreign Language (EFL) program is considered a very important academic program at BCIS. It provides an environment that is designed to serve the language needs of students from a non-English speaking background.

Students joining Bangkok Christian International School in the Elementary and High School with little or no background in English may need language support to prepare them for mainstream classes. This ensures that students will successfully transition into our school. Students also study other subjects including Science, Math, Music, Physical Education, etc.

Depending on their age and ability, students may be placed in EFL LP (Lower Primary, Grade 1 – 2), EFL MP (Middle Primary, Grade 3 – 4), EFL UP (Upper Primary, Grade 5 – 6), EFL LS (Lower Secondary, Grade 7 – 8). Students may also remain in the EFL program for a number of terms until their English proficiency is suitable for success in the mainstream classes.

Students need to be highly motivated to succeed in EFL due to the amount of in-class learning and out of the class study, they must complete.

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